Finish It! #32

they gathered what they could quickly grab, not much, not even all of the essentials something like this would need. She gently lifted the baby out of the cot while he gently woke their older son. They had to leave. Now. And the didn’t know when, if at all, they would be able to return. One last look back before they locked the door for good was all they could do for now.

Please continue…


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  1. She was amused, as was he at the gentleness they showed towards their two children. What a contrast to the absolute violence they metered out to their victims. Both knew their felonious activity was rapidly coming to an end. Execution of the federal warrants for their multiple homicides arrest would soon see to that.

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Inspiration through my thoughts, experiences and travels

The Official Colonel Sanders Podcast

An All American Rags to Chickens Story

Writing on the Spot

flash poetry and prose

Musings of An Insomniac

Late night thoughts of a perpetual dreamer..


Welcome to the world of cats!

nomadic story

life on the move

Peace Hacks

in search of a better us


Mostly fitness with some reading sprinkled in!