Stop Asking!

There is a number of questions I really don’t like to be asked. And they cover basically all areas of my life.

“What do you do for living?”

Usually I breathe and eat and try to stay hydrated… oh… you did not mean that? Of course you didn’t, silly me! You want to know what my job is. I do wonder though why, as I think it does not define WHO I am. Or does it for you? I totally understand that it is just a polite way of making conversation and maybe finding something to talk about. Still… get to know me first and then ask.

“Are you not worried that they are missing out on something or that they feel isolated?”

Well, they are locked up in a dark room all day. I only open the door to give them food and water…. I am just kidding!!! No, my kids don’t miss out on anything. Well… maybe on being bullied by some kids or even teachers but other than that they have a great group of friends they see on a daily base and they get different kind of influence through the activities they do with all the other (“normal”) kids, also on a daily base.

“Do you have a lazy 10’000 Dollars sitting around?”

Sure I do! And of course I want to give them to you! Seriously? If I would have a lazy 10’000 sitting around somewhere I would for sure not tell any wanna be agent. It was actually funny to see that the people I saw re publishing my books all seemed to have the same reasoning. Maybe they have the same manual??? So according to them self-publishing will cost you that much money and you are better off buying a module they are offering for ‘only’ 2’500 which will then tell you how to move forward with your book… and which module you will have to buy next in order to move further until, in the last module (probably number 765) you will finally find out how to find a publisher…

“Do I really have to brush my teeth?”

Of course not! I love it when they get all dark and fall out… Seriously? How often do I have to explain it?

“Do I really have to stop playing Minecraft?”

No, just keep playing. I see you tomorrow… make sure you drink some water every now and then… Seriously?

“Are you done with your workout?”

No, not yet, I just sweat that much because I am so excited…

“Hello… this is so and so for this and that call center, calling you to talk about his amazing offer, which I will explain in details to you right now. Is this a good time for you to talk?”

Sure, let me start talking about my day… oh what? You don’t want me to talk? You want me to listen? Okay, let me repeat: I am not interested… it only takes a few minutes? No, still not interested. I am busy and I need to go now. Still only takes a few minutes? I don’t care. Take me off your caller list, please.

“Hi we are calling you to let you know that we offer free hearing tests for people aged 55 and over. Let me explain to you, how it works, okay?”

What did you say? Hello? I can’t hear you? What food are you growing? Thank you but we would not be eligible for this test… I wonder if they really offer a free test or if this is a way to figure out how old the oldest person in our house is…

Now, don’t get me wrong (I am not apologizing…), I am a friendly and chatty person and I do answer your question. But some of them just get me to a point, where I might get a bit weird. So as long as you don’t mind the answer you are free to ask whatever you want to πŸ˜‰

In response to the Daily Post Daily Prompt – Plead the Fifth


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  1. OMG! Seriously, these are questions people have asked you? Or am I just having another blonde moment?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So, what do you live for doing? πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is hilarious.
    On a serious note, though, is that what publishers do? Ouch. You’d better go solo, isn’t it? I don’t know how the world of publishing works. Wishing you all the best.


  4. Fantastic! Can’t stop reading you stuff. Love it 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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Inspiration through my thoughts, experiences and travels

The Official Colonel Sanders Podcast

An All American Rags to Chickens Story

Writing on the Spot

flash poetry and prose

Musings of An Insomniac

Late night thoughts of a perpetual dreamer..


Welcome to the world of cats!

nomadic story

life on the move

Peace Hacks

in search of a better us


Mostly fitness with some reading sprinkled in!