Book Cover

To all you great photographers out there: I am looking for a picture that captures the scene of my character seeing clothes of her partner and a woman spread out on the floor. Room must be in a romantic atmosphere… you get the picture… Anyone out there who would have something l could use in mind?


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  1. Reblogged this on A Momma's View and commented:


  2. No photos but a suggestion if you care to hear it. I did my own cover art using a graphics program… of course fantasy is a little easier to do in my opinion, but still it was time I could have spent writing. I spent over 3 months researching and learning a new program to do-it-myself, and the technical specs are different for digital, paperback and hardback. It’s doable but took more tim than I had estimated. I think it’s worth the money to pay someone to set everything up properly for you. There are plenty of graphic artists out there and some are quiet reasonable. You might even find one on wordpress.

    Good Luck

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Inspiration through my thoughts, experiences and travels

The Official Colonel Sanders Podcast

An All American Rags to Chickens Story

Writing on the Spot

flash poetry and prose

Musings of An Insomniac

Late night thoughts of a perpetual dreamer..


Welcome to the world of cats!

nomadic story

life on the move

Peace Hacks

in search of a better us


Mostly fitness with some reading sprinkled in!