Real Neat Blog Award

What an honor, I’ve just been nominated for the Real Neat Blog Award by Far Beyond The Stars. Thank you so much for this!

Real Neat Blog Award logoThe Rules:

  1. Put the Award Logo in your post. Done
  2. Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you. Coming up
  3. Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs. Done
  4. Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs. Coming up
  5. Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog, etc.). Will do

Here are the questions I’ve been asked:

  1. If you could travel to one place anywhere on the globe, where would you go?
    That is a difficult question as there are so many places I still want to go see. Canada for sure. But I also want to see more of Brazil and South America in general. And I’ve never been to Scandinavia.
  2. If you could change one thing about the world, past or present, would you and what would it be?
    I would definitely try to make it a more peaceful place. But how, I don’t know. And I would try to make sure that the awareness of protecting our environment starts earlier and becomes bigger.
  3. What’s your favorite pastime activity?
    Spending the time with my kids and do what they like to do. I like exercising as it clears my mind and I love the beach. I love horses and horseback riding but unfortunately it is something that is just not possible at the moment.
  4. What do you think is the greatest hurdle of blogging?
    Overcoming your fear of writing and sharing what you write with others. The fact that you think too much about making mistakes or that people might not like what you are writing about.
  5. If you could make a wish come true, would you and what would it be?
    You are killing me! That is a difficult question… I would wish for my kids to live a happy and healthy life with the people they love and care about the most.
  6. Are you going to have as much trouble thinking up questions for this award as I did?
    For sure. And I am struggling already with blogs to nominate too.
  7. What advice would you give to a new blogger who showed up at your blog asking for directions?
    Just keep writing. Write what you like to write about and write when you feel about it. Post it when you think is the right time. Be yourself. Enjoy the ride.

And here are my nominees:

Send Sunshine
Aging Gracefully My Ass
PT Like A Girl
Lilith In Lilies

And here are my questions for you:

1. If someone would write a book about your life, what would be the title?
2. What is your biggest fear?
3. Which one would you rather be: Mermaid, Unicorn, Dragon, Fairy (what kind of Fairy) or the Easter Bunny?
4. Which country would you move to right away, without thinking twice?
5. Photo or Painting?
6. Who would you want to be on a deserted island with?
7. What would you take along to that island?

And now I am off to celebrate this award. Thank you again so much, Far Beyond The Stars!


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  1. Great answers! I love your answer to #2. That’s pretty close to what I would have answered, had I been asked that question.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations! Well deserved! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’d say the biggest hurdle to overcome of blogging is having patience.
    Taking time to put in the effort, tinker with your profile/layout, post, comment, like, respond, share… Then at the end of the day, it’s always nice to see your number of views rise.

    Also, aren’t these little blog awards fun?!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations – so well deserved. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Many congratulations!. I enjoyed reading your answers – can’t decide which I liked best. Numcers 3 and 5 are lovely and show how much you love your family and your advice on blogging is sound. Well done with it all.

    Liked by 1 person

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Inspiration through my thoughts, experiences and travels

The Official Colonel Sanders Podcast

An All American Rags to Chickens Story

Writing on the Spot

flash poetry and prose

Musings of An Insomniac

Late night thoughts of a perpetual dreamer..


Welcome to the world of cats!

nomadic story

life on the move

Peace Hacks

in search of a better us


Mostly fitness with some reading sprinkled in!